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T&O location, hotel, plane Location For a route by car to our location in Groningen, The Netherlands, you can use the ZIP code of our address 9714 AA, and use: Routenet Hotel There is a fine hotel in the city-centre of Groningen on walking-distance from T&O Software: Hotel de Ville, Oude Boteringestraat 33-47, 9712 GD Groningen phone + 31 50 318 1222 - fax + 31 50 318 1777 By plane From most countries the easy route by plane is through Schiphol Amsterdam, from there every 30 minutes a train goes to Groningen (travel time around 2.5 hours). If you fly your own plane, Groningen Airport Eelde is the most convenient destination, just 15 minutes drive from Groningen city. for questions or remarks, please goto contact last date modified: 9.3.2011 by T&O Software |